Joyful Noise Bell Choir
This dynamic group is lead by Don Wood and meets for practice every Wednesday night from 6:00-7:00 p.m., September through May. Joyful Noise performs on the fourth Sunday of the month for both the Traditional and Contemporary services.
You don’t have to be able to read music to join! All you need is a love a music and a heart willing to serve the Lord in this delightful ministry.
For more information, contact Director Don Wood.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir offers music for our Traditional Sunday services as well as seasonal performances with the Riverside Concert Series. The music offered by the Chancel Choir ranges from late Renaissance through the 21st Century.
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary for high school age and up.
For more information, contact our our church office at (309) 764-6721.
Praise Team
The Praise Team is offers music for our Contemporary Sunday service. As the music suggests, the Praise Team performs every Sunday at the Contemporary service.
If you have a passion for singing or playing a musical instrument in the Praise team, we would love to get together.
For more information, contact the church office at (309) 764-6721.

Methodist Men is an organization of men committed to God and dedicated to the work and teaching of Jesus Christ, joined in fellowship as we serve others within and around our church family and throughout the community. Riverside Methodist Men is open to all men in our church. Consider attending one of our events this year. We welcome any man who would like to be included in this fellowship. We meet throughout the year for fellowship, dinner and programs. We sponsor special events for the church family and provide outreach to the community.

Did you know that the UMM collects and recycles aluminum cans? Some come from the church pop machine, but most are dropped off by church members. Since 2021, we raised over $100 from redemptions in both Iowa and Illinois. Since we must sort the cans, we ask that they be rinsed and free of debris. Bugs, flies and dirt are attracted to the sweet residue in cans if they are not rinsed. We ask that you assist us to improve the sorting process. There are containers in Peterson Hall for dropping off the cans. Thank you for your support.

Baby Bottle fundraiser for Pregnancy Resources
It’s back! Last year we raised over $1780 for Pregnancy Resources through this baby bottle fundraiser. This year the bottles are once again available in the Welcome Center. Pick one up and fill it up with your change and bills. Then bring it back to church by Mother’s Day, May 14th.
Pregnancy Resources is a Christian ministry, located in Moline and Davenport, whose mission is to promote pregnancy information to men and women. Last year Pregnancy Resources provided 850 pregnancy tests, 560 ultrasounds, and counseling with 1500 individuals. The funds we collect will go towards helping moms and dads, tests, ultrasounds, and classes.

Greeting Cards for Cunningham Children's Home
Quilt themed greeting cards and beautiful quilted table runners are being sent to Cunningham Children’s Home’s Quilt Show Market Place. All proceeds from the sales go to support programs for kids. Women’s Ministries thanks Tami Finley, Sally Chumbley and Kris Hansen for their donation of time and talent used to create these beautiful items!