Riverside Nursery
Our nursery is a great professionally-staffed ministry for children newborn to four years. Our nursery staff is CPR certified, and all of our staff and volunteers have been through child safety training and background checks.
The nursery is split into two rooms, one for infants and the other for toddlers. The infant room is a quiet and peaceful place where mothers can sit, rock, and nurse their baby.
Beginning on September 17, nursery will be available for young children from 8:15 am through 1:00 pm on Sunday mornings. Nursery will also be available from 6:00 – 7:00 pm on Wednesday evenings for Wednesday Night Alive beginning September 20. Nursery can also be arranged for special events at request.
If you have any questions about Riverside’s Nursery, please use the contact form (below) or call the church office at (309) 764-6721.

Sunday School
Sunday School is a cherished tradition of ours that began in the 1900s. Children’s Church starts on September 17, during the 10:00 am service and will continue through the school year. Children are invited to join worship for the opening music and children’s moment. Following children’s moment they have the option to join the nursery or children’s church class, which is geared for ages Kindergarten through 4th grade.
Welcome to Kids Ministry
Our Classes
Nursery & PreK
Room 206
1st floor
Kindergarten thru 6th
Room 205
1st floor