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We give because God gave first

2 ways you can give electronically:


By Mail/Drop-off

To enroll in Riverside's Automatic Direct Deposit Giving, please fill out the form by clicking the button below and sending it into the Church Office. Also, please attach a voided blank check or deposit slip for the account of which you are requesting debit of your donation.


If you are already contributing this way and you anticipate a change in the amount you have designated for church giving regarding your ACH, a new form will need to be completed.


Any questions or concerns, please contact Sherrie Blott, Financial Secretary.

We have updated our online giving process to work with the Church Center app.   The following video will help explain how it works


United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) responds to disasters in the United States and around the world by working with communities and local partners. When a disaster overwhelms a community’s ability to recover on its own, UMCOR provides essential relief supplies and supports long-term rebuilding efforts. While UMCOR is not a first-response organization, it stands ready to accompany communities in need over the long haul of their recovery until a “new normal” is established after a crisis. “Early in and last out” is a guiding principle of UMCOR


To direct your gift to the US Disaster Response which includes Hurricane Ian, click on the "Give Now" image below and you will be redirected to the UMCOR site for Areas of Impact. Go to "Disaster Response and Recovery", Select US Disaster Response which is Advance #901670.


To direct your gift to the International Disaster Response and Recovery which includes support for Ukraine and relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria, click on the "Give Now" image below and you will be redirected to the UMCOR site for Areas of Impact. Go to "Disaster Response and Recovery", Select "International Disaster Response" which is Advance #982450.


Thank you


Give Now 

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